
Author: maddysquish

  • Bernard the Bear

    Bernard the Bear

    Bears are made of the same dust as we, and they breathe the same winds and drink of the same waters. A bear’s days are warmed by the same sun, his dwellings are overdomed by the same blue sky, and his life turns and ebbs with heart pulsing like ours. He was poured from the…

  • Desiderata


    Is it ironic that I was writing out the words of “Desiderata” (“Go placidly amid the noise and haste, / and remember what peace there may be in silence”) while watching the fourth quarter of the NCAA finals? I’m pretty sure the stress I incur while watching close sports games (this seems to happen whether or…

  • Windows on the World

    Windows on the World

    The way in which I experience a window depends on the weather that day, and if I’m on vacation, and the temperature of my coffee, and if it’s a Tuesday or a Sunday, and whether or not I have a good book to read, and if I’m waiting for someone, or if someone is waiting…

  • White Cliffs

    White Cliffs

    A watercolor-turned-pastel landscape for day three, because I’m bad out of practice when it comes to pastels but apparently even worse even more out of practice when it comes to watercolor. Or perhaps watercolor wasn’t the right medium for this attempted portrayal of the white cliffs of Dover? Anyway- this attempt brought me back to my…

  • The Main Reason I Can Never Become Famous

    The Main Reason I Can Never Become Famous

    My first day’s project was more of a “deep” one, so I thought I’d switch it up with some funny-ness on day two. I have a whole list of Twitter drafts that I haven’t posted, mostly because I thought they’d be better represented as cartoons than as tweets. But I’ve never actually taken the time…

  • Gratitude


    Welcome, and enjoy this first foray into the public posting of my creative endeavors… or, hypothetically public, but probably only my sister and mom will read this. My intention for today was to make a collage that represented what have always been – and what I expect to continue to be throughout this journey –…